i3 was created in collaboration with the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School (MGH) and the Technical University of Munich (TUMS) to commercialize novel Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies.
i3's founders are dedicated to the advancement of Biological Imaging Modalities relating to the early detection of Coronary Artery Disease and post-interventional therapeutic viability.
In-stent restenosis rates run at over 10% world-wide which correlate to over $2.5 billion US in uncessary expenses due to re-hospitalizations and interventional remediations. i3 believes that, with its novel imaging technologies over 10% of those failed procedures could potentially be avoided.
The I3 NIRF-IVUS catheter will operate similarly to a 3f IVUS only catheter but will additionally include biological information to visualize pathophysiological information
Clinicians' View During PCI Procedure - Click to View
Reconstructed View of the Vessel - Click to View